Tauras Sur Seal Plus
Electrosurgical Device
Safety Features
- Protection Class According to EN 60601-1
- Body Protected and cardiac protected design
- HF Leakage current<150mA
- Patient Plate Monitoring System
Electrosurgical vessel sealing is a specialize system developed by SI Surgical for minimal access and open surgery. This technology can facilitate a range of minimal access surgical procedures, helping to meet government objectives of reduced length of stay for patients in hospital. Each of these devices comprises an electrosurgical unit (ESU) with a high power and low voltage bipolar mode and specialist instruments that combine tissue compression with tissue heating to produce haemostasis in arteries, veins or a bundle of tissue. This is a technology which is different from conventional diathermy and provides a unique.
combination of pressure and energy to create vessel fusion and permanently fuses vessels up to and including 7 mm in diameter and tissue bundles, without dissection or isolation, An optimized combination of pressure and energy creates the seal by melting the collagen and elastin in the vessel walls and reforming it into a permanent, plastic-like seal and results in virtually no sticking or charring. It does not rely on a proximal thrombus. Feedback-controlled response system automatically discontinues energy delivery when the seal cycle is complete, eliminating the guesswork.
Salient Features
- 99 program modes: User settable program mode
- Frequency-480 kHz (Monopolar)
- Frequency 1 MHz (Seal Mode) -
- Display - 7 in LCD Touchscreen display
- Weight-7.5 Kg. (Approx.)
- Dimension-L440 (mm) x W 355 (mm) x H 155 (mm)
- Input Supply Voltage-110V/230 VAC (+/-15%) 50 KHz
- Separates Monopolar & Bipolar / Seal foot-switches
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